March 23, 2013
Dawn actor David Early, who portrayed WGON TV host Mr. Berman in the film’s opening scenes and also appeared in several of George Romero’s later movies, passes away aged 74.
July 2013
Richard Rubinstein announces a $6 million, “Perfect 3D” conversion of Romero’s original theatrical Dawn of the Dead cut, which apparently has been in the works at a South Korean company named “Stereo Pictures Media” since 2007. For more than three years following this announcement, however, no theatrical release is about to materialize.
October 18, 2014
Dawn of the Dead assistant producer Donna Siegel passes away aged 66.
Early May 2015
As part of ongoing renovations, the Monroeville Mall’s small walkover bridge that has remained its final accessible feature seen in the film up to that point, is getting removed. An online petition initiated by Dawn of the Dead fans Lawrence DeVincentz, Daz Spooky and Kevin Kriess to “save the bridge” , and with Daz telling Pittsburgh local news channel about the story, reporters from the channel go and interview Kevin Kriess via skype at his Living Dead Museum in Evans City. Kevin suggested on the news that the bridge could be saved and placed in either The Living Dead museum or the Heinz History Center, eventually resulting in the item being permanently preserved at the Senator John Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh.
August 21, 2015
Italian producer Michele De Angelis via Facebook reveals plans to extensively restore the original intercut positive of Dario Argento’s “international” version for a proposed theatrical re-release on 150 screens in Italy.